Establishing a strong credit history early in your career is important for a number of reasons. A good credit report will typically lead to more favorable terms
As we continue to endure a volatile market environment fueled by multiple economic and geopolitical factors, we wanted to offer some historical perspective we
“Do you see the gap between these two trees? I think I can punch my golf ball between them and have it roll up near the green…”, I suggested to my good friend
While in some ways it may feel like we are living 2020… part II, the 2022 year brings fresh snow along with fresh IRS limitations for retirement plan savings.
As we enter the new year, will bonds continue to serve their intended purpose in portfolio structure? Check out our latest quarterly newsletter with commentary
As we work our way through the fall and settle into the winter months, we’re getting to the time of year when most people make gifts to charity.
How would YOU measure inflation? Our latest newsletter discusses the intricacies of tracking consumer prices while keeping a long-term perspective on the matter
Back in our first blog post, “Reflections with Donald Rembert,” I learned about our decision to go fee-only back in 1983. I also learned that Charles Schwab &
This is one of the hottest topics among my peers, especially given the dramatic rise in demand and housing prices in the D.C. Metro area. Let’s explore both
What do Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, and Sonny Bono all have in common? They were all talented musicians – CORRECT! Additionally, they all died without a Will.
Inflation, oh my! Read on for our commentary on growing inflation concerns in the current economic landscape.
A question we Virginia Tech alumni get a lot (and I’m sure our answers vary). If you’ve perused our website, you’ve likely noticed a few VT graduates on the
A friend of mine emailed the other day and was curious about my thoughts on paying down his mortgage as quickly as possible vs. investing that additional money
The relationship between interest rates and equity returns along with the ever present value vs growth debate: our first newsletter of 2021 covers these topics
My wife and I recently made a trip out to Ohio to pick up the most precious little Aussiedoodle puppy. As puppies typically do, he stole our hearts and quickly
I started to see and hear about GameStop in the news last week and I know some of you did too. I became intrigued with the brick and mortar store that sells
The stock market is an expansive platform where buyers, sellers, and issuers meet to exchange shares of publicly traded companies at mutually agreed upon prices
Reflecting back on the uniquely challenging year, 2020's last quarterly newsletter highlights the ever present investment philosophy proving diversification is
According to the United States Census Bureau (August 2020), over 90% of households with school aged children were enrolled in some form of distance learning to
New RPJ hire here, to discuss a topic I’m overly familiar with right now… a new job!
Uncertainty looms as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world around us continues to change, we share what we believe will always stay the
One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received was a set of golf clubs when I just 4 or 5 years old. The U.S. Kids Golf set had 5 clubs and I remember they had
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) have been growing in popularity over the past few years… but what are they exactly? How do they work? Why would you want one?
How differentiating short-term cash needs can help you stay on course during these turbulent times.
The CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act was signed by President Trump to help provide financial stability and relief for individuals and
Coronavirus has life as we know it screeching to a half - read on for how diversification can help soften extreme market movement.